Arendalsuka 2023: Factlines contribution to the Net Zero talks

Factlines event at Arendalsuka 2023

From August 14-18, the 300-year-old town of Arendal, Norway, was the meeting point for innovation and dialogue centered on sustainability, social responsibility and a good society. Factlines was not only present to learn from all the amazing participants and events, we also organized two events ourselves to contribute to the conversations about supporting the NetZero transition to happen faster and more efficiently and more compliant with ethical and social requirements.

We hosted two important events highlighting influential players in the Norwegian market, the first on the UN Global Compact stage on Tuesday, August 15, with Andreas Haugane from Hansa Borg Bryggerier and Christian Lodgaard from Flokk to talk about their efforts to ensure sustainability in their value chains. Watch the recording here:

At our second event, on Thursday, August 17, at Arendals Fossekompani's terrace, we had the privilege of having two chairmen and experienced business people with us: Annicken Kildahl Chairman of Incentra and CFO of Grieg Maritime, and Trond Westlie, Chairman of Arendals Fossikompani - both companies are at the forefront of integrating ESG considerations into their core business, shaping an environmentally responsible and economically viable future. Watch the recording here:

Follow us on Linkedin and stay updated on our upcoming events and talks. And not least, our digital solutions designed specifically to support businesses in their sustainability work, including strategies, good sourcing and reporting.

August 2023