Software to support sustainable value creation, supply chain follow-up and EU taxonomy for the construction and manufacturing industries

The Factlines software simplifies data transparency and strategic sustainability performance for the construction and manufacturing industry, crucial to comply to various supply chain risks, the Norwegian Transparency Act, CSDDD, and to perform EU Taxonomy calculations. Supplier insight and follow-up is often considered the most challenging part of sustainability work, and it is core in the CSRD report large companies must deliver annually. Human rights, social rights, environmental insight and improvement, along with a plan to reach Netzero climate emissions within 2050 is a tall order. Factlines can help you with data along the way. Each time you use the software you come closer and your basis for decision making will grow.

The supply chain of these categories include petroleum, rubber, cotton, timber and mining and involves smelting, chemical fabrication to mention some processes. This means EU Directives such as the Deforestation Directive and the Conflict minerals Directive are also relevant and must be adhered to. If you deliver to public bodies expect specific contractual clauses regarding insight and documentation of human and labor rights
Factlines ensures that we achieve the most efficient reporting possible. It is easy to input the required data into the software solution, and all necessary data are centralised on one platform, ensuring that all key stakeholders have access to the same information.
Portrait of Lars Peder Fensli, Arendals Fossekompani CFO
Lars Peder Fensli
Buildings and construction industries
The built environment accounts for about 50% of all extracted material globally. The production and use of materials such as cement, steel, and aluminum have a significant carbon footprint and the waste stream for the sector will increase as the renovation required to reduce energy use and space will be significant.
The buildings and construction sector is by far the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, accounting for 37% of global emissions.

UNEP Building materials and the Climate 2023
Construction products represent 30% of EU annual waste generation.

European Commission Revised Construction Products regulation 2022
€275 bln
€275 billion in additional investments needed annually for buildings renovation to achieve EUs 55% climate target by 2030.

European Commission Revised Construction Products regulation 2022
Textiles, leather and furniture manufacturing
We are all dependent on textiles and leather manufacturing, whether it is for work, leisure or at home. These industries are very competitive and production is often situated in countries with fast and cheap production involving hard work, chemicals and even metals for fire protection.Work clothes, foot wear and textiles are on the high risk list for violations of human and social rights, and is often being audited.
The fashion industry alone is estimated to be responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions.

European Environmental Agency, 2020
391 kg
Average textile consumption per person in the EU per year requires 391 kg of raw materials

EEA, 2020
Global textile fibre production has more then doubled in the last 20 years from 58 million tonnes in 2000 to 116 million tonnes in 2022.
Medical consumables and equipment
This category is largely produced in countries and regions with a high risk of violations of human and social rights. It includes a large variety of products from rubber gloves, masks, to electronic equipment and tools in metal and plastic.
The hospital and medical technology (MedTech) sector contributes to 4.4% of global emissions.

Luis Montesinos et al, 2024
0,5 kg
Hospital are a major source of waste, producing between 0.2 to 0.5 kg of hazardous waste per hospital bed. A typical operating room generates up to 2 tons of fluid waste each month.

WHO and the Carbon Gap limited  
A recent study exposed 44,61% of the investigated products did not have an available Country of Origin. "There has been previous case-based evidence of labour rights issues in the manufacture of specific medical products, but our analysis (using multiple data sources) suggests high-risk across this entire sector.(...) Our findings demonstrate a critical and urgent need for greater transparency in global supply chains for medical products"
Electronic and electric manufacturing
Portable computers, mobile phones, lifts, light fixings, these are some of the very high risk products in this category. Most of all in the production of the raw materials, but also on the production of components and assembly. The level of risk is so high in this category that you must have specific requirements in your contracts asking for documentation of human- and social rights.
The number of regions currently covered the EU Conflict minerals regulations called the CAHRAs (Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas). In these areas earnings from metals and minerals production are likely to be used to fund armed conflicts.
62 mill tonnes
3-5% growth every year, electrical waste (EWaste) is one of the fastest growing waste streams. In 2023 we generated 62 million tonnes.

ITU, the UN agency for digital technologies, 2024
Traditional PCB (printed circuit board) and PCA (printed circuit assembly) are only 1% recyclable. The technology is based on thermoset resin boards and copper conductors.There are no circular  strategies available for this. Recycling is restricted to the shredding and subsequent (high temperature) reclamation of only the precious metals. This equates to less than 1% recyclability of PCBs, and 3-5% of PCAs.
Heavy manufacturing
The world needs heavy manufacturing; mining, construction, metallurgical, transport, chemical, energy production. In 2023 the Earth overshoot day fell on August 2. But there is so much we need to build, substitute, replace.
9,7 bln
Estimated global population in 2050
Between now and 2050, global steel demand is projected to rise by 30% and cement demand by 12 to 23%. The manufacture of these crucial building materials requires extremely high temperatures and thus large amounts of fossil fuels.

World Bank, 2023
The UNIDO estimates that 1/3 of global CO2 emissions can be reduced by industrial decarbonization.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Industrial Development Report 2024

Factlines Sustainable Supplier Network

The construction and manufacturing industries can save up to 95% of the time they spend on due diligence assessments!

Use this software to easily map your suppliers and conduct due diligence assessments required by regulations such as the Norwegian Transparency Act and CSDDD.

You can also add custom questions to qualify your suppliers.
Suppliers are automatically divided into risk groups
Automatically generated follow-ups
Share information with the Factlines network
Blue collar worker works machine at factory

Using software to pre-qualify potential suppliers

Two male textile workers looking at laptop instructions for cutting materials
Pursuing ethical and sustainable business models highlights the importance of supplier pre- qualification. By using Factlines, companies can access comprehensive sustainability information about potential suppliers before starting any business dealings.

This proactive approach not only facilitates informed decision-making but also promotes a supply chain that is aligned with the principles of responsible and sustainable business practices.

Note, also, that our tools are not meant for static qualification or disqualification, but for gathering and analysing information right from the source and then follow-up elements that needs to be remediated.

Simplify the reporting process according to the EU taxonomy

Classify and calculate your company's activities according to the complex legislation.

From day one, minimise your reliance on complex spreadsheets and emails.

Ensure your report is audit-ready and fully compliant with all requirements.

Simplify your processes with guided steps and collaborative workflows.
Factlines EU Taxonomy Reporting dashboard
Serious senior man in suit conversing with young man using tablet.
Streamline alignment
Effortless collaboration
Reduce operational costs

Simplify your ESG compliance and interact with suppliers using our software

Streamline your operations to deliver on ESG standards with Factlines. Fill out the form to learn how you can transform sustainability challenges into opportunities.
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