Everything you need to know about the Verified by Factlines badge

This FAQ consists of frequently asked questions about the Verified by Factlines badge. The purpose of the badge is to highlight the work done by companies affected by the Norwegian Transparency Act, which requires the publication of due diligence assessments by June 30 each year.
 Factlines Verifiseringsmerke for åpenhetslovenFactlines Verifiseringsmerke for Åpenhetsloven

The Factlines Transparency Act Verification Label is a digital label awarded to companies that demonstrate that they actively work with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in their own operations and supply chain. This means that the company has implemented a process for regular mapping, risk assessment and plans for follow-up activities with the help of Factlines' software.

According to section 5 of the Transparency Act, companies must publish a statement of their due diligence. This includes a general description of the organizational structure, policies and procedures to address negative impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

The report shall also include information about actual negative consequences and significant risks identified by the enterprise, and measures the enterprise has implemented or plans to implement to stop or limit the consequences.

This information must be easily accessible on the company's website, updated annually and in the event of significant changes in the company's risk assessments.

The Transparency Act applies to companies with more than 50 employees, a turnover of NOK 70 million or a balance sheet total of NOK 35 million.

The label alone is not enough. Companies must also publish a statement of identified risks in their supply chain and measures to mitigate them by June 30 each year. You can use our template to ensure that your company complies with the reporting requirements.

The deadline is June 30 each year.

- On your website. The verification mark can be published on the same website where you share information about your company's due diligence report in accordance with the Transparency Act. Another suggestion is to place it in the footer. Remember to link to your unique landing page that shows what you have done in the Factlines software.

- In social media. Tell your network about what you do, how you do it and why.

- In the email signature. Bonus. Adding it here makes it extra clear that you are working with the Transparency Act. Just remember to link to the unique URL in the same way as you do with the verification mark on your website.

Unfortunately, we cannot publish the badge for you as it requires access to their website. Please contact IT or the person who manages your website and forward the email with the code and unique link you have received from Factlines.

"A fine could result in negative media exposure and, in the worst case scenario, lead to customer flight." Iris Frøybu, senior advisor at Factlines.

Failure to publish the statement may result in you having to spend time and money on consultants and lawyers to gather and present extensive information.

If you do not have a routine in place in accordance with the Transparency Act and are among the businesses that are required to report, you risk being fined up to 4% of the business's annual turnover or up to NOK 25 million, whichever is higher.

Even if you have a routine, not explaining it can lead to time-consuming explanations to trading partners, board members, customers, the press and various interest groups.

It is not necessary to have a label to comply with the Transparency Act. However, it is necessary to have a routine and process in place to perform due diligence and publish the information.

We simplify the process by offering our customers a brand and a template to follow.

Factlines has over ten years of experience in verifying a company's supply chain mapping. Our expertise in this field started with a public development project (OFU) in collaboration with Helse Sør-Øst from 2013 to 2015. This project resulted in Factlines' software, and since then we have continuously improved our system and methodology.

Each year, we collect information from our suppliers through self-reporting based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct. Our mapping process complies with the due diligence required by the Transparency Act. With long experience, success stories and partnerships with businesses committed to the future, we offer product quality through continuous improvement.

June 2023
Norwegian Transparency Act